On the occasion of hiring, the majority of companies in general seek individuals with experience. This method of employment is traditional, because it is easier with people who’ve done the work before (no need for training or supervision). Startups who are creating a team from scratch are actually justified to do so. They’re relatively clueless about what direction to go in, and experienced personnel assist in paving a timely path.

On the other hand, agencies that already have a team of professional and accomplished individuals should give a chance to newbies. If everyone is going to opt for people with at least a few years of working experience, where will the fresh lot go? Yes, experience is valuable asset, but the greater aspects are the passion or drive to work and grow. Most youngsters fresh out of college have that enthusiasm and will do wonders if given the opportunity, at the right time and place.

They’re Malleable
Finding good people is hard and finding the right ones is a bigger challenge. Someone who’s been working in his/her field for years is bound to have developed a certain attitude or style of doing things, especially in the arena of IT development. Beginners in the line for software developing vacancies are like hot wax; you can mould them the way you want to. On contrast, experienced people are similar to hardened wax; try bending them and they’ll break.

They’ve had a fair share of Rejections
When you let in a beginner, you’re shaping their working habits for them and eventually they’ll become one of you. That is a perfect game plan to building a workforce that complies with your standards. Millennials who are at home with getting rejected, will be grateful for the job you offer. They will train better, absorb faster and deliver more compared to someone who has already worked for another company before.

They just Need a Chance
Social Media constantly tries to create a negative image about millennials. They’re labelled as these selfish and ignorant imbeciles who have not, and will not work a day in their entire lives. These characteristics only apply to a tiny fraction of the youth who can be assumed as ‘privileged’. Aside from them, most millennials have it hard, and spend most of their college life juggling between studies, menial jobs and relationships. Not to mention, many of them are crumbling under debts of student loans, whilst not being considered for a well-paid stable job.

They’re Motivated
Developers who have just graduated, but have next to no real experience working in the real world, still have dreams. These dreams can sometimes outweigh any amount of experience and bring about that revolution everyone awaits. Entry-level developers are eager to learn and do everything it takes to kick start their career. Within an IT firm, the elder experienced employees can act as mentors and share their experiences. When senior employees get a chance to exercise leadership qualities, it grants them that amazing feeling of ‘knowing the ropes’.

Allow Seniors to Boss around a little
Teaching juniors has a very positive impact on developers. They get to discover the professional strengths and weaknesses they might have been oblivious to beforehand. Among the bundles of questions put forward by young developers, possibly some are also unknown to them. This may trigger an effervescent curiosity, which doesn’t go away until the answer is procured. In a way, both the teacher and the student are mutually learning and growing together. On a lighter note, it’s always fun bossing around with the ‘new guys’.

They’re Flexible
When developers hired in the past have to work with newly appointed experienced candidates, there are high chances of conflict. Both parties are likely to construct applications using practices they are personally adapted to. Under such circumstances, teamwork becomes a pain in the neck. At the end of each day, either has to compromise and that is probably the best case scenario.

Junior developers are much more flexible and open to constructive criticism. They will listen to your instructions and happily follow in your footsteps. Many amateur developers do their homework before entering an IT organization. They get familiar with your strategies and products, so that they will fit in. Following your approach, they may come up with innovative ideas that transform your business in a good way.

Embrace New Age
Technology is constantly changing and millenials are the ones most in touch with whatever is modern/up to date. Thereupon, you can always use their point of view to your advantage. Their fresh eyes and mind are able to bring a lot to the table, helping you think out of the box.

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